Need Help With Your Permitted Development Project?

Some types of Permitted Development rights allow people to extend their home, while others allow for the change of one use to another. There is often a requirement for ‘prior approval’ for development carried out under permitted development. Because of their technical nature, it can be hard to navigate what does and doesn’t sit within a Permitted Development scheme. That’s why having an expert on board is always very useful..

What to Know About UK Permitted Development (PD) Rights

Permitted development lets you do many things without needing special planning permission, as long as you follow the rules and there are no hidden restrictions that take away these rights. It’s important to check carefully to make sure your project qualifies and isn’t held back by unexpected limitations that could stop you from using these simpler rules.

It is prudent to conduct thorough due diligence to ensure your project aligns with permitted development guidelines and doesn’t encounter any unforeseen limitations that could impede its progress or eligibility for this streamlined process.

Your Checklist For UK Permitted Development Rights

How To Make Sure Your Project Falls Under PD Rights

Larger outbuildings or building an extension, or builds/improvements in designated areas or involving listed buildings, are also likely to require planning permission. At Homz, we conduct Pre-Planning Advice to confirm exactly what you will need for your project, if there are any hidden constraints, what the likelihood of getting planning permission approved would be and any associated costs with a planning application. Our Town Planning Consultants will conduct the Pre-Planning Appraisal Report which will include all your answers in only 2 working days.

Single Storey Rear Extension Render 3 by Homz
Homz Services

What Are Your PD Rights?

Every project type has different planning and design criteria to be compiled in order to be classified under Permitted Development. Besides, there can be hidden limitations and constrains that limits the use of Permitted Development Rights on your property. Two identically same houses in the same town could be both proposing the same extension but one could be PD and the other one needs a Planning Application.

We Have PD Experts to Avoid Common Mistakes

We often assist clients who mistakenly believed their projects were classified under Permitted Development. If the council deems that your undertaken works actually requires planning permission, you’d be served an enforcement notice. This notice could mandate planning application to be made within 28 days or restore the property to its original condition, including a potential demolition if something was built. We are actively engaged in helping numerous clients with Retrospective Planning Applications, consistently striving to secure favourable results.

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homz extensions ground

The Best Way To Secure A Development Under PD Rights

We always advice going with the Lawful Development of Certificate or Householder Planning Application! This way you would avoid any neighbour complaints and legal disputes that may arise. Plus, having a Certificate of Lawfulness will help you elevate your property value when it comes to selling it.